Tuesday, February 23, 2016


Our 4th grade Scientists are enjoying the Electricity unit, pics below:

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Fun in February!

Our 4th grade class has been busy in February:
Last week, Dr. Vaccaro visited our 4th grade classes and shared a presentation on dental health as part of National Children's Dental Health Month.
In Computer Lab, we've been having a lot of fun learning the basics of Coding, using the websites: code.org and lightbot.com.
We've begun our Electrical Circuits unit! Using batteries, copper wire, switches, and light bulbs we've begun to explore the wonderful world of Electricity. Vocabulary words we are using during science includes: system, interaction, terminals, conductor, insulator, series and parallel circuits.
In Language Arts, we've started our Biography unit. Children will be selecting a person of interest to research, take notes, and write a biography.
We are looking forward to our Valentines Day breakfast on Feb. 12 @ 8:45. Thank you to our homeroom moms and parent volunteers for sending in goodies!
Enjoy the February vacation!!!